What Causes Pink Mold in the Bathroom Sink Drain?

Last Updated On February 8, 2025

Updated on June 2, 2022



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What Causes Pink Mold in Bathroom Sink Drain

Are you seeing pink mold in your bathroom sink drain? Don’t let the pink color fool you – it could be a routine issue but also a sign of a bigger problem. You need to understand the cause of the issue as well as how to prevent and get rid of the pink mold.

In this PlumbingNav guide, we will cover:

  • What causes pink mold in bathroom sink drain 
  • What you need to know about pink mold in bathroom sink 
  • How to get rid of pink mold in bathroom sink drains
  • Prevent pink mold

What's In This Guide?

      What Causes Pink Mold in Bathroom Sink Drain?

      You may notice slimy or fuzzy patches of pink residue in your sink around your drain, representative of pink bathroom mold. You may also find the mold around your shower curtain, in your toilet bowl, shower fixtures, or on your shower head. 

      The pink material can turn into an unsightly sink stain if you leave it long enough. 

      Pink mold actually refers to an airborne bacterium that eats at organic manner in your sink, such as dead skin cells and hair. Some bacteria even eat at oils in soap scum. 

      Why is my sink drain turning pink?

      Your sink may turn pink if you don’t clean it after each use. Mold develops in moist conditions where it can find food. If you leave moisture and organic material and oil in the sink, you shouldn’t be surprised when it starts to turn pink. 

      What is pink mold in sinks drains?

      The pink mold or orange mold in your sink is actually a bacterium. 

      The two most common types of bacterium you will find in your sink are:

      S marcescens is the more common bacteria you will find in your bathroom. 

      What You Need to Know About Pink Mold in Bathroom Sink Drains

      Pink mold is a common occurrence. The bacteria in question is an airborne organism found in numerous places, making it easy to travel from one location to another, including inside your home. 

      Is pink mold harmful?

      In most cases, pink mold isn’t harmful to your health like black mold can be. However, it can create a health hazard for someone with a compromised immune system or a mold allergy, especially if it gets into your family’s drinking water and affects the water quality. 

      While not necessarily harmful to your health, the pink mold is definitely harmful to your bathroom’s appearance and must be tended to. 

      How to Get Rid of Pink Mold in Bathroom Sink Drains

      Watch this video entitled: 

      How to Get Rid of Pink Slime Around the Drain – Pink Mold No More

      Clean With Bleach 

      You need to figure out a way to ensure the mold spores are killed so that it doesn’t continue to grow after you remove them. Bleach is one of the best solutions for advanced mold growth since bleach will definitely kill the mold. 

      Make sure you dilute the chlorine bleach with 2 cups of warm water for every cup of bleach to avoid damaging your plumbing with the bleach. Don’t pour the bleach straight into the sink without first mixing it with water, as this can damage some pipe material.

      Did you pour an alarming amount of bleach down your drain? Read our guide Help! I Poured Bleach Down My Drain. Now What?

      Vinegar and Baking Soda 

      For a less powerful solution than bleach that is more natural, you can try a mixture of 1 cup of baking soda and 2 cups of white vinegar. As soon as you combine the two ingredients, they will create a chemical reaction. At this time, absorb the solution with your sponge to wash away the pink mold. 

      How do I get rid of pink mold in my sink?

      In order to get rid of pink mold in your sink, you need a solution that will kill the mold. If any gets left behind, you don’t want it to grow again. With that being said, you want to remain careful not to use a cleaner that may potentially cause damage to your bathroom sink or any other fixtures. 

      did you know What Causes Pink Mold in Bathroom Sink Drain

      Prevent Pink Mold

      Once you remove pink mold from your home, you should still take steps to prevent the mold from coming back. You can do this with the help of pink mold prevention techniques. 

      Start by providing adequate ventilation in your bathroom. You can provide adequate ventilation by keeping windows open or using an exhaust fan. 

      Even with good moisture, you’ll need to remove as much moisture from the air as possible. You can remove the moisture using a dehumidifier. You can also remove the moisture by picking up puddles of water on the floor after a shower and picking up your wet towels.  

      Finally, clean your bathroom sink regularly. Even if you don’t use the bathroom very often, it should get a wipe down the sink itself at least once a week and do a deep clean once a year. This will also help you avoid a smelly bathroom sink drain.

      FAQs: What Causes Pink Mold in Bathroom Sink Drain

      How do I get rid of pink mold in my sink?

      To get rid of pink mold in your sink, you should take the time to clean it with a powerful solution, such as bleach or a combination of vinegar and baking soda. Do not clean with strong solutions too often, though. 

      Why is my sink drain turning pink?

      Your sink drain is turning pink due to the presence of bacteria that eats at organic material in moist locations. Airborne bacteria is naturally present in numerous things throughout our world, making it a rather common occurrence. 

      How do I get rid of pink mold in my bathroom?

      To get rid of pink mold in the bathroom, tackle the problem right away. Clean the mold with something strong enough to kill the living organisms but not strong enough to damage your sink or your pipes. 

      Is pink mold harmful?

      In most cases, no, pink mold is not harmful.

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